Learning in a living lab


Zac Woolfitt and Mirthe van den Hee (Inholland University of Applied Sciences)
Lieven Desomviele and Isabelle Vandevyvere (Artevelde Hogeschool Ghent, Belgium)

Knowing what to do when you don’t know what to do

The book Learning in a Living Lab is a practical handbook for teachers and students who work on complex social issues from different disciplinary backgrounds. It gives them guidance in interdisciplinary learning environments, such as living labs, in which they have to deal with uncertainty. Hence the subtitle of the book ‘Knowing what to do when you don’t know what to do’.

Lab education takes place in a real-life context, where a number of problem solvers with different backgrounds research, develop, learn and innovate in collaboration with end users and stakeholders. Creativity, future skills, research, interdisciplinary learning, leadership, self-management, working and learning in teams, assessment… All this and more is covered in this book, so that everyone can learn about ‘learning in a living lab’. The book is full of practical working methods that have proven themselves in practice.

Who is the book for?
Students, coaches, educational developers and coordinators, curriculum developers, team leaders, managers… anyone who wants to learn to deal with complexity and uncertainty.

‘Learning in a living lab’ is available in (online) bookstores. (Owl Press, ISBN: 9789464778007).